TMS Therapy

For those diagnosed with depression, specific areas of the brain that control mood regulation are underactive. Targeting those areas treats depression at the source.

Our NeuroStar® TMS machine uses focused magnetic pulses (similar to an MRI), that revitalize inactive synapses in your brain. “Waking up” these connections can have a lasting effect on neurotransmitter levels, making long-term remission from depression a reality for many people.

TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) therapy is an FDA-cleared, non-drug, non-invasive treatment that uses a magnetic field to influence brain activity. At this time, TMS is only FDA approved for Major Depressive Disorder (with anxious symptoms) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. TMS is not currently used to treat bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, or psychotic disorders. This type of therapy is covered by most major insurance companies. 

TMS therapy is delivered while the patient is awake and alert and has no effect on alertness, allowing the patient to drive and resume daily activities immediately following each treatment session.